portuguese parliament

Global Health Subcommittee launch at the Portuguese Parliament

Following a proposal led by UNITE’s President and Founder, Hon. Ricardo Baptista Leite and his Party (PSD), the Health Commission of the Portuguese Parliament started off this year with the creation of a Global Health Subcommittee.

Acknowledging that the systemic response to global health challenges and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals highly relies on each country’s capacity to engage and commit to supranational cooperation in this critical field, the proposal aimed at strengthening the Portuguese Parliament’s share of output towards raising awarenessdiscussing and effectively contributing towards the achievement of the SDGs, with particular focus on the areas related to SDG 3.

Chaired by Portuguese MP Hon. Jorge Seguro Sanches and having appointed Hon. Ricardo Baptista Leite as Vice-President, the Subcommittee has just recently become fully operational and is now focused on defining its action plan for the upcoming months.

UNITE holds great expectations on potential future interaction and collaboration with the President and all the other Parliamentarians who make up the Global Health Subcommittee, seeking to join together the efforts from academia, communities, patient association’s and international organizations towards a better health for all.

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